Thursday, March 28, 2013

What's in your square?

There's even more coverage of the Square Foot Symposium in today's Roanoke Rapids Daily Herald.  Thanks to Donna Clements for spending some time with us on Saturday and sharing her unique perspective on the symposium! Please be sure to read her thoughtful article- Word Pearls: Square Foot Gardening Benefits

This week seems to have turned into Square Foot Gardening week here at the blog, much like the week before turned in to Crape Myrtle week.  Next week I'll be traveling with a group of Extension employees to Arizona and Mexico on a Hispanic Cultural Immersion trip, so I imagine next week's posts will have a consistent theme as well.  Our trip will see us meet with a number of organizations that work with Hispanic communities on issues such as immigration as well as meet with Extension personnel in Arizona to see how Extension provides programming for Hispanic audiences.  I hope that I have enough free time to take in some of the Southwestern landscape, in addition to the food and culture we'll be enjoying.

One last note to finish Square Foot Gardening week: During the symposium we were each asked to give a 1-2 minute presentation on Square Foot Gardening in front of the class.  Some performed songs that they wrote about Square Foot Gardening, some gave elevator speeches, some simulated teaching Square Foot Gardening to an elementary school class, and others talked about why eating fresh vegetables was better than eating chicken pot pie.  For my two minutes, I wrote and shared what I guess you would call a free-form poem:

Square Foot Gardening
Gardening in a square, not a row
What's in your square?
Anything you choose
Warm season or cool
Short or tall
Big or small
All the harvest you want with 
no digging, 
no thinning, 
and no weeds-
well maybe just a few
but fewer than you're used to
Less space
Less time
Less money
Less labor
Less headache
Less heartache
Less backache
Square Foot Gardening
Gardening in a square
What's in your square?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When I first listened to your description it made me smile and nod my head. Today it caused the same reaction. How true the words and yet short and sweet - just like SFG.